When i took a look at the rectangle art we did in class a little while ago, I decided to go and take a look at some Triangle art online and found it really amazing to see that just like with rectangles and squares, you can use just simple triangles to make amazing art as well.  Here are some pieces of triangle art i found that caught my eye.
I really liked this one because i loved to see how there was a mix of sizes and different shades, and then how it fades into darkness as you move right.

This one i really liked too because i loved how it uses all different triangles to make a star.  Even though some parts don't look like triangles, you have to take a step back and look out farther and then you can see the triangle.

When it comes to triangle art, you can make some of the craziest pieces of work just by using triangles.  But i also like the way math can be tied into it.  One, you using triangles to make more profound shapes, so your using some geometry. Two the way you place triangles in your art usually tends to be in a patterned set up, once again using patterns which is math.  Its actually really cool. And I love to think about it and how that works!  

My reading plan for my book is to read a chapter each day of class and that should have me finished with the book by the Friday before thanksgiving. 

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